- 1636 I-Mallingkang Daeng Manyon-ri Karaeng Katangka Matowaya Sultan
'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam [Tumammalianga-ri Agamana], 6th Karaeng
Tallo. b. 1575, educ. privately. Served as Regent of Gowa
1593-1596. Succeeded on the abdication of his nephew, 1596. Nicknamed 'Karaeng
Matoaya' the old Karaeng. The first of his line to adopt Islam, he assumed the
style of Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam, 22nd September
1605. He also held the territorial titles of Karaeng Kanjilo, Karaeng
Segeri, Karaeng Barombong, Karaeng Data and Karaeng
Allu. m. Karaeng Manaungi. m. Karaeng-ri Naung (d. 20th
June 1645). He d. 1st October 1636, having had issue:
1) Karaeng Patinga Tampatsina.
2) I-Manginyarang Karaeng Kanjilo Daeng
Makiya Sultan 'Abdu'l Ja'afar Muzaffar, 8th Karaeng Tallo (s/o
Karaeng-ri Naung) - see below.
3) I-Mangadachina Daeng Sitaba Karaeng
Pattingalong [Tumenanga-ri Bontobirang]. b. August 1600 (s/o
Karaeng-ri Naung). Tuma'bicarabutta of Gowa. Regent of Tallo from 1637,
until his death. A learned ruler, fluent in Arabic, English, French, Latin,
Makassarese, Malay, Portuguese, and Spanish. Highly conversant with European
literature and mathematics, he maintained an extensive library with books on a
wie variety of subjects and in several languages. m. Daeng Ngani. He d.
at Bontobirang, 15th September 1653, having had issue:
a) Karaeng Karunrung 'Abdu'l Hamid
[Tumananga-ri Ujuntana]. b. 4th September 1631, educ.
privately. Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa 1654-1664 and 1677-1679. m.
(first) 31st August 1646 (div. 6th January 1650),
I-Mangurangi Karaeng Tamasanga (b. 7th June 1628; m.
second, 17th June 1650, La Basolangi Sultan Ahmad Nazir ud-din, Datu
of Luwu), daughter of Karaeng Sumanna, sometime Tuma'bicara-butta of
Gowa. m. (second) Lomo Galorang (d. 14th February
1718). m. (third) (div. 29th June 1666) Sira Daeng
Talele Karaeng Ballajawa (b. 10th September 1634; m.
16th March 1668, H.H. La Tan-ri Tatta Turong Tori Sompi Patta
Malampei Gammana Daeng Serang To' Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'ad ud-din,
Arumpone of Bone; and d. 11th February 1721), former wife of
Karaeng Bonto' Maronu, and younger daughter of I-Mallewai Daeng Ma'nassa
Karaeng Mataoya, Karaeng of Chenrana and sometime Tumalailang of Gowa,
by his wife, Daeng Mangeppe, daughter of I-Mallingkaang Daeng Mannyon-ri
Karaeng Matoaya Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam, Karaeng Tallo. m. (fourth)
1st August 1670, I-Tani. m. (fifth) 6th December
1675, I-Sarampa. He d. at Ujuntana, 27th January 1685, having
had issue:
i) Daeng Mattiru Manginara Majid
ud-din. b. 5th April 1648 (s/o Tamasanga). m.
10th February 1663, the Princess of Dompu.
ii) I-Maminawang Daeng Mangalliki
Karaeng Kaballokang. m. 8th February 1669 (div. 6th
April 1673), I-Bulomabassung I-Sunggu Daeng Talebang Karaeng Langelo Siti
Latifa (b. 29th May 1655; d. 23rd April
1730), eldest daughter of H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto
Mangngape Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa, by
his second wife, I-Peta' Daeng Nisali, daughter of Karaeng Banjuanjara of
Sanrabone. He d. 11th January 1717, having had issue, a son:
(1) Karaeng Pangkajini 'Abdu'l Mumenin.
b. 10th March 1670.
iii) Karaeng Mandalle I-Tulolo Taj
ud-din. b. 27th December 1653 (s/o Lomo Galorang). m.
(first) 13th April 1670 (div. 1672), Daeng Mainga (b.
1653; m. second, 28th October 1672, I-Mappasomba Daeng
Nguraga Sultan Amir Hamzah bin Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of
Gowa; and b. 1653; d. 11th April 1734), daughter of
Karaeng Bontokappang. m. (second) 11th November 1687, as her
first husband, Karaeng Bontowa Siti Mutiat ud-din (b. 4th
April 1665; d. at Rejo, Flores, 18th January 1714), daughter
of Karaeng Ballo, by his wife, Karaeng Lakiyung Siti Shafur, youngest daughter
of I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattola Karaeng Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said,
Sultan of Gowa. He d. 9th April 1690, having had issue:
(1) Muhammad Said. b. 20th
August 1671 (s/o Daeng Mainga).
iv) Karaeng Bontomanai. m. 21st
August 1683 (div. 15th July 1684), Daeng Mami Roqayah (b.
28th August 1670; m. second, 21st October 1684,
To' Wappa, Arung Belo), youngest daughter of H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng
Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangngape Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din
Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa, by his fourth wife, Majannang I-Lo'mo' Tobo.
i) Nur ul-Mahali. b. 30th
October 1645.
ii) Siti Anisha. b. 21st
October 1649 (d/o Karaeng Tamasanga).
iii) Daeng Nisaju. m. (first) (div.
14th May 1674), Daeng Marupa. m. (second) 5th
September 1674, I-Mappatunru Daeng Matulang, Karaeng of Tanette
(Agaang-niyanja), son of Daeng Matiring Ibrahim, Karaeng of Tanette
(Agaang-niyanja). m. (third) 11th August 1677, Arung
Marowangi [Marowangieng] (d. 7th January 1688), of Bone,
brother of Arung Teko. m. (fourth) 31st October 1677 (div.
3rd July 1687), Arung Teko (d. 24th June 1718).
She d. in Bima, 20th May 1730, having had issue, by Arung
Teko, a son and a daughter:
(1) Daeng Mamuntuli, Arung Kayu. b.
18th April 1678 (s/o Arung Teko). He d. at Maros, 7th
December 1736.
(1) Karaeng Balassari Zainab [Saena]. b.
9th August 1684 (s/o Arung Teko).
iv) I-Saburo Daeng Mattini Karaeng
Bontoramba. b. at Pasir, East Borneo, 1665 (d/o Karaeng
Ballajawa). m. (first) 11th March 1677 (div. 13th
August 1680), H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan
'Abdu'l Kadir I, Sultan of Tallo (b. 7th January 1666; d.
8th January 1709), elder son of H.H. Karaeng Mapaijo Daeng Manjauru
Sultan Harun ar-Rashid, Sultan of Tallo - see below. m. (second) 27th
May 1682, La Malewai Karaeng Barrong, Arung Ujung, Aru of Barru, and Adatawang
of Sidenreng, son of I-Limpo Daeng Mannako, Aru of Barru, by her husband, La
Tenritipe, Arung Ujung, Adatawang of Sidenreng, by whom she had issue, one son
and one daughter - see Indonesia (Barru). m. (third) 19th
September 1688, Pakampi Daeng Mangemba, Arung Matowa Tanette (d. 15th
February 1692), Regent of Sijang, son of the To' Sawa, Arung Tanette Matowa, by
whom she had issue, two daughters - see below. m. (fourth) 1705, Aji
Pangeran Adipati Tua ing Martapura [Pangeran Jambayan], Raja of Kutai
Kertanegara (d. 1730), son of Aji Ragi Ratu Agung, Raja of Kutai
Kertanegara. She d. at Kutai, 9th November 1712:
(1) Zainab. b. 2nd
August 1693 (d/o Daeng Mangemba). m. 1708, as his first wife, La
Padang Sajati To' Apawara Paduka Sri Sultan Sulaiman, Arumpone of Bone (b.
23rd September 1691), third son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan
Idris, Arumpone. She had issue - see Indonesia (Bone).
(2) I-Ninu (d/o Daeng Mangemba).
She d. in Tanette, 15th February 1728.
b) Karaeng Bontosunggu Muhammad Shafi
[Tumenanga-ri Taenga]. b. 26th December 1643, educ.
privately. Regent of Tallo from 1653. Tuma'bicarabutta of Gowa 1685. m.
(first) 6th August 1656 (div.), I-Sungguminasa Daeng Naratang
Karaeng Sanggiringang Rabia (b. 8th January 1645; m.
second, 8th November 1658, Karaeng Bungaya Salah ud-din), second
daughter of I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattola Karaeng Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik
us-Said, Sultan of Gowa, by his wife, I-Biessu Talampuang. m. (second),
24th October 1687, Karaeng Ballakeria. He d. 3rd
July 1726, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
i) H.H. Karaeng Majannang La Senrisang
Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir II, Sultan of Tallo - see below.
i) Siti Hawa. b. 21st
May 1710 (d/o the Lomo'). She d. 16th January 1720.
a) I-Maminasa Daeng Sangnging Siti
Safiyah. b. 2nd March 1633. m. 12th
February 1645, as his first wife, H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng-ri
Bonto Mangngape Sultan Muhammad Bakir Hasan ud-din Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa,
son of I-Mannuntung Daeng Mattola Karaeng-ri Ujung Karaeng-ri Lakiung Sultan
Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa, by his wife, Laikang Pattopakang I-Sa'be Lo'mo'
Takontu, of Bone. She d. 11th October 1648, having had issue
- see Indonesia (Gowa).
b) I-Bata Daeng Tombi Karaeng
Pabiniyang Siti Maimuna [Tumenanga-ri Bonto Biraeng]. b. 17th
October 1637. m. (fifth) 21st May 1654, as his chief wife (div),
H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangngape Sultan Muhammad
Bakar Hasan ud-din Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa (b. 12th
January 1631; d. 12th June 1670), eldest son of I-Mannuntungi
Daeng Mattola Karaeng Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa, by
his chief wife, Pattopakang I-Sa'be Lo'mo' Takontu. She had issue - see Indonesia
(Gowa). m. (second), 16th September 1669, La Ten-ri
Tuppa To' Walenae, Adatuwang of Sidenreng (d. 26th March 1721).
She d. 13th December 1696, having had further issue - see Indonesia
5) La Mallawakkang Daeng Sisila Karaeng
Popo 'Abdu'l Kadir. b. 1615. Governor of Papekat until 1667. m. 2nd
November 1650, I-Sinuku'. He d. at Bima, 7th March 1680,
having had issue, two sons:
a) Karaeng Bontomanompo Muhammad. b.
31st March 1647. m. (first) (div. 29th
December 1680), Daeng Marannu Karaeng Laikang (m. second, 14th
September 1684, H.H. La Tan-ri Tatta Turong Tori Sompi Patta Malampei Gammana
Daeng Serang To' Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'ad ud-din, Arumpone of Bone),
daughter of Pakkemba Karaeng Bonto' Maronu, of Gowa. m. (second) 27th
August 1696, with the great-grandmother of Makkaraeng. He d. 22nd
January 1733, having had issue:
i) Daeng Mamangung I-Karisa. b.
5th September 1672.
i) Daeng Matene Siti Abida. b.
31st October 1699. m. 18th June 1716, H.H.
I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din, Sultan of Gowa
and Tallo (b. 17th November 1687; d. 22nd
January 1739), son of H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka
Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I, Sultan of Tallo, by his first wife, Karaeng
Parang-parang, daughter of I-Mappaosong Daeng Mangngewai Karaeng Bisei Sultan
Muhammad 'Ali, Sultan of Gowa. She d. 5th March 1724, having
had issue, one son - see Indonesia (Gowa).
b) Karaeng Bontopanno 'Abdu'l Ghafur. b.
14th April 1652 (s/o I-Sinuku'). Tuma'ilalang of Gowa.
m. at Limpangang, 1st October 1719 (div. 20th
February 1720), Karaeng Bontomasugi (d. 8th March 1740). He d.
6th February 1731.
c) Daeng Mamaro. He was k. in
battle, 3rd April 1675.
6) Tumataya-ri Bantang Daeng Mangemba
(full-brother of Karaeng Kanjilo). Went on the pilgrimage to Mecca, 1632. He d.
at Banten, 20th May 1632.
1) Daeng Mangeppe (full sister of
Karaeng Popo). m. (div. 29th January 1650) I-Mallewai
Daeng Ma'nassa Karaeng Mataoya. Karaeng-ri Mangngappe' later Karaeng-ri
Cenrana. She d. 27th March 1676, having had issue, one son
and two daughters - see Indonesia (Chenrana).
Sumber : Royal and Ruling Houses of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas
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