Silsilah Raja Tallo (XV, XVI,XVII dan XVIII)

Makam Raja-raja Tallo Sumber foto :
1760 - 1761 H.H. Karaeng Sapanang Tu-Timoka, Sultan of Tallo, son of I-Mapatulla Karaeng Kanjilo Muhammad Zainal Abidin, Sultan of Tallo. Proclaimed on the death of his grand uncle, 1760. Reigned under the regency of his father. Deposed by the Chief Minister of Gowa. He d. 18xx.

1761 - 1767 H.H. Karaeng Majannang La Sanrisang Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir II [Tumenanga-ri Buttana], Sultan of Tallo. b. 3rd March 1707, son of Karaeng Bontosunggu Muhammad Shafi, sometime Tuma'bicarabutta of Gowa. Succeeded his father in the office of Tuma'bicarabutta (Chief Minister) of Gowa 1735. Regent of Gowa 1742-1743. Deposed Karaeng Sapanang and usurped the throne of Tallo, 1761. m. 18th January 1721, Siti Nafisah Karaeng Tabaringang (cre. 3rd June 1718) (b. 8th February 1706; d. 10th October 1732), second daughter of H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo, by his first wife, Karaeng Bonto Mate'ne. He d. 6th April 1767.

1767 - 1777 H.H. I-Chuma Riambabulang Karaeng Karuwisi Sultana Siti Saliha I, Sultana of Tallo. b. 14th December 1726. Elected on the death of Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir II, 6th April 1767. Crowned at Tallo, 11th May 1767. Princess of Taenga before her accession. Entered into the first contract with the government of the NEI, 16th May 1768. Abdicated 1st June 1777. She d. 1778, having had issue:
·         1) a daughter. b. 28th March 1747.

1777 - 1780 Interregnum. Administrative chaos under Sankilang, an imposter claiming to be the exiled Sultan Usman Fakhr ud-din of Gowa.

1780 - 1824 H.H I-Maddelung Karaeng Bontomasugi Sultana Siti Saliha II [Tumenanga-ri-Kanatojenna], Sultana of Tallo. Restored with Dutch help, after her husband had negotiated a new contract with them, 2nd August 1780, but the administration of the state remained under direct Dutch rule. Restored to the throne of her ancestors by the British 23rd June 1814. m. (first) July 1780, La Potto, Datu Bariengang, only son of La Mapasossong Petta Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Razzaq Jalal ud-din, Arumpone of Bone. m. (second) La Temmupage [MatinroE ri-Alau' Appasareng], Punggwa of Bone. She d. May 1824, having had issue, a daughter:
·         1) Karaeng Rapochini (d/o La Temmupage). m. 1799, Arung Sumalieng, son of La Tan-ri Tappu To' Appaliweng Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad as-Salih Shams ud-din, Arumpone of Bone - see Indonesia (Bone).

Sumber  : Royal and Ruling Houses of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas

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rahman mengatakan...

Aku hanya ingin bertanya dimanakah letaknya makam keturunan bangsawan Bugis Makassar yang wafat 1948-1954 didalamnya ada kakek aku bernama Rahing ( Rahim ), kakek wafat berusia sekitar 20an, almarhum meinggalkan seorang anak laki-laki bernama Ramang Alias Rahman bernama Muis seorang istri bernama Rabbia ( almarhuma ).

Trima kasih sebelim dan sesudahnya.

Rahman Kadang

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