1608 - 1626 La Tan-ri Pala To' Wakepeyang Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din [MatinroE-ri Tallo], Arumpone of Bone, son of La Icha, Arumpone of Bone, by his wife, We Tan-ri Pakiu, Arung Timurang. Styled Arung Timurung before his accession. Raised to the throne on the deposition of Sultan Adam, 1608. The first ruler to embrace Islam when he assumed the title of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din, 1611. He fled to Tallo with his son, 1626. m. (first) ca. 1597, We Tan-ri Wajo, elder daughter of La Mappepulu To' Appamole, Arung Matowa of Wajo, by his wife, We Temmaduppa, daughter of the Arung Lompengang. m. (second) Daeng Male, Arung Paneki, widow of La Tan-ri Semputungeng Passari, Datu Pammana. m. (third, or first?) Kunangi, elder daughter of I-Dangka We Tan-ri Tuppu [MatinroE-ri Sidenreng], Arumpone of Bone, by her first husband, To' Rilettowi, Arung Mampua. He d. at Tallo, 13th August 1630, having had issue, two sons and one daughter:

·         1) Daeng Pabila. Fled to Tallo with his father, 1626. Punggwa (C-in-C) of the Bone forces. Secretly returned to Bone with Arung Kung and raised a rebellion November 1643. Defeated in the second battle of Passempi, taken prisoner and removed to Gowa, 1644. Escaped and returned to Bone, 7th August 1660. He was k. (executed) on the orders of Sultan Sa'ad ud-din, May 1673.
·         2) Patta Ujung (s/o Kunangi). He had issue, a son:
·         a) Matinrowe-ri Ujusuna. He had issue, a son:
·         i) Matinrowe-ri Karusi. He had issue, one son and one daughter:
·         (1) Matinrowe-ri Lompu. Tomarilalang.
·         (1) Arung Tajung. m. Matinrowe-ri Salassana, sometime Pungwwa of Luhu.
·         1) Daeng Abba (d/o Kunangi). m? H.H. I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattula Karaeng Ujung Karaeng Lakiung Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din [Tumenanga-ri Papambatuna], Sultan of Gowa (b. 11th December 1605; d. 6th December 1653), eldest son of I-Manga'rangi Daeng Manra'bia Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, by his wife, I-Mainung Daeng Mattyini Karaeng Bontowa (d. 12th May 1648), elder daughter of Daeng Melu Karaeng Kasaurrang - see Indonesia (Gowa).

1626 - 1643 H.H. La Ma'darammang Opu Na Pakokoa Paduka Sri Sultan Saleh ibni al-Marhum Sultan Adam [MatinroE-ri Bukaka], Arumpone of Bone (first time) - see below.

1643 - 1660 To' Bala', Arung Tanete Riawang. Regent appointed by Gowa with the title of Jennang, November 1643. Rebelled  against Gowan rule, 7th August 1660.

1660 - 1667 Arung Amali. Regent appointed by Gowa with the title of Jennang.

1626-1643 and 1667-1672 H.H. La Ma'darammang Opu Na Pakokoa Paduka Sri Sultan Saleh ibni al-Marhum Sultan Adam [MatinroE-ri Bukaka], Arumpone of Bone, son of La Patikka, Arung Sumaling, by his wife, We Tan-ri Jallo, eldest daughter of La Icha, Arumpone of Bone. Succeeded on the deposition of his uncle, 1626. Forced to flee to Luwu, together with his brother, 8th October 1643 when attacked by the forces of Gowa, Wajo and Soppeng. Restored by the Makassarese, February 1667. Deposed 1672 m. (first) 1630, as her second husband, I-Khadija Daeng Saleng, Arung Ugi, younger daughter of La Pakallongi To' Allinrungi, Arung Matowa of Wajo, by his second wife, Daeng Page, daughter of La Mataesso. m. (second) We Manjili. He d. at Bukaka, 5th August 1678, having had issue, three sons and one (or three) daughters:
·         1) La Pakkoku To' Angkone Taddampali, Arung Timurang, Arung Ugi, and Ranreng Tua (s/o Daeng Saleng). m. at Ujung Pandang, 16th May 1671, We Te' Mappolo-bombang Daeng Upi [MatinroE ri-Alaoena-Apasarang] (b. after 1635; d. 12th March 1692), daughter of La Pottonune, Arung Tanate, by his wife, We Tan-ri Sui, Datu Mario-ri Wawo, daughter of La Tan-ri Rua Sultan Adam, 11th Arumpone of Bone. He d. 19th March 1697, having had issue, two sons:
·         a) La Magalatung.
·         b) H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, 15th Arumpone of Bone - see below.
·         2) Daeng Memang.
·         3) To' Passarai.
·         1) Daeng Umpu (d/o Daeng Saleng). m. La Anchu Arung Paijo. She had issue, a son:
·         a) La Tan-ri Lesang, Pangkajene.
·         2)? …, who had issue:
·         a) La To' Masonge, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
·         3)? …, who had issue:
·         a) Arung Temujung [To' Mojong]. m. at Selangor, July 1780, as her third husband, Y.A.M. Raja Puneh binti al-Marhum Sultan Saleh al-din, Tengku Ampuan, former wife of Raja 'Ali of Riau, and before that Raja 'Abdu'llah of Kedah, and eldest daughter of H.H. Sultan Saleh al-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Chelak, Sultan of Selangor, by his first wife, a younger daughter of Paduka Seri Sultan Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah bin Daeng Rilaga, 1st Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. He had issue, a daughter:
·         i) H.H. Raja Basik binti Arung To' Mojong, Tengku Ampuan. m. as his first wife, H.H. Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan of Selangor (b. 1772; d. 6th January 1857), third son of H.H. Sultan Ibrahim Shah ibni Sultan Saleh ud-din, Sultan of Selangor, by his fourth wife, Che' Besar Halija, elder daughter of Dato' Husain bin Pakjong, Dato' Sri Maharaja Lela. She had issue, one son and one daughter - see Malaysia (Selangor).

1672 - 1696 H.H. La Tan-ri Tatta To' Urong To-ri Sompi Patta Malampei Gammana Daeng Serang To' Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'ad ud-din [MatinroE-ri Bontowala], Arumpone of Bone. b. at Lamatta, Mario-ri Wawo, Soppeng, 15th September 1634, son of La Pottobunna, Arung Tana Tenga, by his wife, We Tan-ri Suwi, Datu Mario-ri Wawo, daughter of La Tan-ri Ruwa Paduka Sri Sultan Adam, Arumpone of Bone, educ. privately. Succeeded his mother as 15th Datu Mario-ri Wawo. Granted the title Arung Palakka as a reward for freeing his people from slavery in Makassar. Recognised by the Dutch as Arung Pattiru, Palette and Palakka in Bone and Datu Mario-ri Wawo in Soppeng, as well as Bantaeng and Bontoala, 1670. Proclaimed on the deposition of his maternal uncle, 1672. Installed with the title of Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'ad ud-din, 3rd November 1672. m. (first) (div.) Arung Kaju. m. (second) 16th March 1668 (div. 26th January 1671), Sira Daeng Talele Karaeng Ballajawa (b. 10th September 1634; d. 11th February 1721), former wife of Karaeng Bontomaronu, and of Karaeng Karunrung 'Abdu'l Hamid, former Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa, younger daughter of I-Mallewai Daeng Ma'nassa Karaeng Mataoya, Karaeng of Chenrana and sometime Tumalailang of Gowa, by his wife, Daeng Mangeppe, daughter of I-Mallingkaang Daeng Mannyon-ri Karaeng Matoaya Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam, Karaeng of Tallo. m. (third) at Soppeng, 20th July 1673, We Tan-ri Pau Adda Sange Datu-ri Watu [MatinroE-ri Madello], Datu of Soppeng, former wife of La Suni, Adatuwang of Sidenreng, and daughter of La Tan-ri Bali Beowe II, Datu of Soppeng - see Indonesia (Soppeng). m. (fourth) 14th September 1684, Daeng Marannu, Karaeng of Laikang (d. 6th May 1720), former wife of Karaeng Bontomanompo Muhammad, and daughter of Pekampi Daeng Mangempa Karaeng Bontomaronu, of Gowa - see Indonesia (Laikang). He d.s.p. at Bontowala, 6th April 1696 (bur. Bontobiraeng).

1696 - 1714 H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE-ri Nagawuleng], Arumpone of Bone. b. 3rd November 1672, son of La Pakkoku To' Angkone Taddampali, Arung Timurang, Ugi, and Ranreng Tua, by his wife, We Te' Mappolo-bombang Da Upi, daughter of La Pottonune, Arung Tanate, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent by his uncle and invested with the title of Arung Palakka, October 1681. Datu of Soppeng 1708-1714. Succeeded his maternal uncle, 6th April 1696. m. (first) I-Jummu We Umung Opu La Rompong [Pawelai Bolajala'jae], Arung Larompong (d. 29th August 1721), daughter of La Mappadang Daeng Massuro Sultan Muhammad Muhi ud-din, Datu of Luwu. m. (second) 4th April 1687, I-Mariama [Mariam] Karaeng Patukangang La Mozossong-ri (b. 9th February 1674; d. 26th July 1693), daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Fakhr ud-din 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, by his wife, Daeng Bau' Bone. m. (fourth) La Ntongang, Arung Panjili. m. (fifth) (morganatic) Dala Marusu. m. (sixth) I-Bajang. m. (seventh) (morganatic) Ruqaya Dala Bantaeng (d. at Chenrana, 1st March 1713). He d. at Bontowala, 16th September 1714 (bur. Nagawuleng), having had issue, eight sons and three daughters:
·         1) Daeng Bonto Karaeng Anamonjong Ismail, who succeeded as H.H. La Parappa To' Aparapu Sappewali Daeng Bonto Madanrang Karaeng Anamonjang Paduka Sri Sultan Shahab ud-din Ismail ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, Arumpone of Bone, and Datu of Soppeng (s/o Mariam) - see below.
·         2) Datu Puwanna Karaeng Katangka I-Matta Sulaiman, who succeeded as H.H. La Padang Sajati To' Apawara Paduka Sri Sultan Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone (s/o Mariam) - see below.
·         3) Karaeng Bisei 'Abdu'llah Mansur, Arung Mampua, who succeeded as H.H. La Panaongi To' Pawawoi Arung Mampua Karaeng Bisei Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mansur ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone (s/o Mariam) - see below.
·         4) La Mappasuri, Arung Apala. He d. at Bawiang.
·         5) La Maddi. Fl. in Sakuwala, in the Spermundes islands in 1726.
·         6) Datu Baringang La Temasongang 'Abdu'l Razzaq, who succeeded as H.H. La Mappasossong To' Appaware' Petta Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Razzaq Jalal ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone and Datu of Soppeng (s/o Dala Maru) - see below.
·         7) Datu Laisu Arung Panjili La Tongang, Datu of Soppeng (s/o I-Bajang) - see Indonesia (Soppeng).
·         8) La Wattaeng, Arung Bakka. m. Daeng Matanang, eldest daughter of his brother, H.H. La Mappasossong To' Appaware' Petta Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Razzaq Jalal ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE ri-Malimungang], Arumpone of Bone, fourth son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone, by his seventh and morganatic wife, Dala Maru, educ. privately. Appointed as Pungwwa with the title of Datu Baringang 1736. Appointed as Heir Apparent of Bone and invested with the title of Arung Palakka, 5th February 1738. Datu of Soppeng 1749. Proclaimed on the death of his half-sister, 2nd November 1749. Installed 8th October 1752. m. (first) Daeng Balusu. He had issue, a son:
·         a) La Tan-ri Tappu To' Appaliweng, Arung Timurang, who succeeded as H.H. La Tan-ri Tappu To' Appaliweng Arung Timurang Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad as-Saleh Shams ud-din, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
·         1) Karaeng Champagaya I-Mangurangi Siti Haibatu'llah. b. 17th May 1688 (d/o Mariam). She d. 13th September 1699.
·         2) Bata-ri Toja Daeng Talaga Arung Timurung Datu-ri Chitta, who succeeded as H.H. Bata-ri Toja Daeng Talaga Arung Timurung Datu-ri Chitta Sultana Zainab Zakiat ud-din binti al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone, Datu of Luwu, and Datu of Soppeng (d/o I-Jummu) - see below.
·         3) We Yannebanna Dapatola (d/o Mariam). She d. young.
1714 - 1715 H.H. Bata-ri Toja Daeng Talaga Arung Timurung Datu-ri Chitta Sultana Zainab Zakiyat ud-din binti al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE-ri Tipuluna], Arumpone of Bone (first time) - see below.

1715 - 1720 H.H. La Padang Sajati To' Apawara Paduka Sri Sultan Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE-ri Beula], Arumpone of Bone. b. 23rd September 1691, second son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone, by his third wife, I-Mariama Karaeng Patukangang La Mozossong-ri, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Fakhr ud-din 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent an invested with the title of Arung Palakka, 1710. Styled Datu Puanna I Matta. Datu of Soppeng 1714-1720 and 1724-1728. Succeeded his half-sister, as Arumpone of Bone, 5th August 1715. Installed, 13th August 1715. Deposed in favour of his sister, 20th January 1720. m. (first) 1708, Siti Zainab (b. 2nd August 1693; k. with his family, at Wilulang, near Luwu, 1728), elder daughter of Pakampi Daeng Mangemba, Arung Matowa Tanette, Regent of Sijang, by his wife, Daeng Mattini Karaeng Bontoramba, daughter of Karaeng Karunrung 'Abdu'l Hamid, sometime Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa. m. (second) m. 24th May 1718, Siti Nafisah Karaeng Tabaringang (cre. 3rd June 1718) (b. 8th February 1706), daughter of H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. He was k. with his family, on the orders of his sister, at Wilulang, near Luwu, 1728, having had issue, three sons and one daughter:
·         1) I-Matta 'Abdu'r Rahman Mappatawang. b. 2nd August 1709 (s/o Siti Zainab).
·         2) Andi-andi Muhammad Yusuf. b. 24th January 1713 (s/o Siti Zainab).
·         3) I-Mappasonri Majang. b. 8th March 1715 (s/o Siti Zainab). He d. ca. at Botowala, 19th October 1719.
·         1) I-Maliembasana Siti Rahima. b. 16th January 1711 (d/o Siti Zainab).

1720  H.H. Bata-ri Toja Daeng Talaga Arung Timurung Datu-ri Chitta Sultana Zainab Zakiat ud-din binti al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE-ri Tipuluna], Arumpone of Bone (second time) - see below.

1720 - 1721 H.H. La Parappa To' Aparapu Sappewali Daeng Bonto Madanrang Karaeng Anamonjang Paduka Sri Sultan Shahab ud-din Ismail ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Sultan of Gowa [Tumamenanga-ri Sompaopu], Sultan of Gowa, Arumpone of Bone, and Datu of Soppeng. b. 18th January 1690, eldest son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone, by his third wife, I-Mariama Karaeng Patukangang La Mozossong-ri, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Fakhr ud-din 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent of Bone and invested with the title of Arung Palakka, 1696. Proclaimed on the death of his maternal grandfather as Sultan of Gowa, 18th September 1709. Deposed by the nine Bata Salapangas, 24th August 1712. Succeeded on the abdication of his half sister as Arumpone of Bone and Datu of Soppeng, 20th January 1720. Installed 8th October 1720. Deposed by his brother-in-law at Bone, before 16th December 1721. Continued to reign at Soppeng until his death. m. (first) 16th May 1702 (div. 14th February 1708), Siti Rahima Karaeng Pabiniyang (b. 2nd January 1689 d. 27th October 1742), younger daughter of H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Harun ar-Rashid, Sultan of Tallo, by his third wife, Karaeng Parang-parang Siti Khadija, daughter of I-Mappasosong Daeng Mangngewai Karaeng Bisei Sultan Muhammad 'Ali ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa. m. (second) 2nd December 1706, Siti Labiba [Gumitiri] (d. at Chinrana, 3rd March 1713), daughter of Shaikh Yusuf [To' Iwanta To' Salamai], by his wife, Kare-Kontu. He d. at Soppeng, 1st April 1724, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
·         1) I-Massanglomo Muhammad Sadiq Manrijogau, Arung Sumalieng [MatinroE-ri Salassana]. b. 29th June 1711 (s/o Siti Labiba). Patta Punggwa of Bone. m. Patta Tajung. He had issue, two sons:
·         a) Arung Sumalieng. m. 11th April 1748 (div. 13th February 1751), Karaeng Limpangang, younger daughter of H.H. I-Mappainga Karaeng Limpangang Paduka Sri Sultan Safi ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Siraj ud-din, Sultan of Tallo. He had issue, a son:
·         i) 'Abdu'r Rahman Karaeng Bisei. b. 10th June 1749.
·         b) Patta MaintoE-ri Tasiena (s/o Patta Tajung). m. Patta Matowi.
·         1) Siti Zainab Karaeng Patukangang. b. 3rd January 1709 (d/o Siti Labiba). m. 16th October 1724, as his second wife, H.H. I-Manariba Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Nazim ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Siraj ud-din, Sultan of Tallo (b. 23rd December 1708; d. 1729), eldest son H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo, by his second wife, Siti Zainab Karaeng Balassari. She d. 19th January 1740, having had issue, one son and one daughter - see Indonesia (Tallo).
·         2) H.H. I-Tanitaja Maning Ratu Siti Amira [MatinroE-ri Lanna], Arung Palakka. b. 9th May 1711 (d/o Siti Rahima). Appointed as Heiress Apparent of Bone and invested with the title of Arung Palakka 1720. m. 3rd November 1725, H.H. I-Mappainga Karaeng Limpangang Paduka Sri Sultan Safi ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Siraj ud-din [I-Makkasuma], Sultan of Tallo (b. 7th December 1709; d. 1760), third son H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo, by his second wife, Siti Zainab Karaeng Balassari. She d. at Barisallo, 8th January 1779, having had issue, two sons and two daughters:
§  a) I-Malawanggau Mansur Shah, who succeeded as H.H I-Malawanggau Sultan 'Abdu'l Khair al-Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Safi ud-din, Sultan of Gowa - see Indonesia (Gowa).
§  b) H.H I-Mappaba'basa Sultan 'Abdu'l Kudus ibni al-Marhum Sultan Safi ud-din, Sultan of Gowa - see Indonesia (Gowa).
§  a) I-Danra-Datu Siti Nafisah Karaeng Langelo, who succeeded as H.H. I-Danraja Siti Nafisah Karaeng Langelo binti al-Marhum, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
§  b) I-Rida Siti Rahmat. b. 13th October 1730.

1721 - 1724 H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir [Tuammenang-ri-Pasi in Gowa or Tomamaliang-ri Gaukana in Tallo], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. Deposed his brother-in-law and installed as Arumpone of Bone, before 16th December 1721. Retired from Bone, 8th January 1724 - see Indonesia (Gowa and Tallo).

1724  H.H. La Panaongi To' Pawawoi Arung Mampua Karaeng Bisei Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mansur ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [Tuammenang-ri Bisei], Arumpone of Bone. b. 22nd July 1693, third son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone, by his third wife, I-Mariama Karaeng Patukangang La Mozossong-ri, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Fakhr ud-din 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, educ. privately. Styled Arung Mampua before his accession. Proclaimed on the departure of Sultan Siraj ud-din, 8th January 1724. Abdicated in favour of his sister, 28th June 1724. Granted the title of Karaeng Bisei, by the Sultan of Gowa, after he had fled there. m. (first) 28th January 1717, I-Tugu. m. (second) Karaeng Balasari. He d. at Gowa, 29th March 1734, having had issue, a son:
·         1) La Paga, Arung Mampua (s/o Karaeng Balasari). Appointed as Heir Apparent 1769. He had issue, two sons:
·         a) La Sappo, Arung Mario.
·         b) Arung Matua Tanette.

1724 - 1738 H.H. Bata-ri Toja Daeng Talaga Arung Timurung Datu-ri Chitta Sultana Zainab Zakiat ud-din binti al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE-ri Tipuluna], Arumpone of Bone (third time) - see below.
1738 - 1741 H.H. I-Danraja Siti Nafisah Karaeng Langelo binti al-Marhum, Arumpone of Bone. b. 20th August 1729, eldest daughter of H.H. I-Tanitaja Maning Ratu Siti Amira, Arung Palakka, younger daughter of H.H. La Parappa To' Aparapu Sappewali Daeng Bonto Madanrang Karaeng Anamonjang Paduka Sri Sultan Shahab ud-din Ismail ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, Arumpone of Bone, and Datu of Soppeng, by her husband, H.H. I-Mappainga Karaeng Limpangang Paduka Sri Sultan Safi ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Siraj ud-din, Sultan of Tallo. Installed by the Wadjorese as Arumpone of Bone, 10th May 1738. She d. unm. 30th December 1741.

1714-1715, 1720, 1724-1738 and 1741-1749 H.H. Bata-ri Toja Daeng Talaga Arung Timurung Datu-ri Chitta Sultana Zainab Zakiat ud-din binti al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE-ri Tipuluna], Arumpone of Bone. b. July/August 1687, eldest surviving daughter of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris, Arumpone of Bone, by his first wife, I-Jummu Opu La Rompong, daughter of La Mappadang Daeng Massuro Sultan Muhammad Alim ud-din, Datu of Luwu. Styled Datu Chita and Arung Timurang before her accession. Succeeded on the death of her father, as Arumpone of Bone, 16th September 1714. Installed 24th November 1714. Abdicated in favour of her brother, and resumed her titles of Datu Chietta and Arung Timurang, 5th August 1715. Installed as Datu Paiyung of Luwu, 28th June 1719. Became Datu of Soppeng, 1715 and again conjointly with Bone 1728-1738. Succeeded to Bone for a second time on the deposition of her younger brother, but abdicated immediately in favour of her eldest half-brother, 20th January 1720. Restored for the third time on his deposition, 28th June 1724. Expelled by the Wajorese, 10th May 1738. Restored for the last time following the death of her grand-niece, 31st December 1741. m. (first) 16th December 1704 (div. 13th October 1705), as his second wife, H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muharram Harun al-Rashid Jalal ud-din Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Sumbawa (b. 20th March 1688; d. 12th February 1725), elder son of Mas Banten, Sultan of Sumbawa. m. (second) (div. 20th December 1714), Pabukajuwa, Datu Ulaweng, a Bonese prince. m. (third) before August 1715, Arung Zallieng, Adatuwang of Sidenreng (d. at Luwu, 1st October 1725), Regent of Bone 1724-1725. m. (fourth) 22nd March 1726 (div. 9th October 1728), Daeng Mamuntuli, Arung Kayu (b. 18th April 1678; d. at Maros, 7th December 1736), Regent of Bone 1726-1728, son of Arung Tako, by his wife, Daeng Nisaju, daughter of Karaeng Karunrung 'Abdu'l Hamid, sometime Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa. She d.s.p. at her palace, in Bone, 2nd November 1749.

1749 - 1775 H.H. La Mappasossong To' Appaware' Petta Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Razzaq Jalal ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE ri-Malimungang], Arumpone of Bone, fourth son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone, by his seventh and morganatic wife, Dala Maru, educ. privately. Appointed as Pungwwa with the title of Datu Baringang 1736. Appointed as Heir Apparent of Bone and invested with the title of Arung Palakka, 5th February 1738. Datu of Soppeng 1749. Proclaimed on the death of his half-sister, 2nd November 1749. Installed 8th October 1752. m. (first) Daeng Balusu. m. (second) Daneg Tona. m. (third) Sharifa Habiba binti Sheikh Muhammad Jalil ud-din, daughter of Sheikh Muhammad Jalil ud-din bin Sheikh Yusuf. He d. at Malimongang, 17th June 1775, having had issue, four sons and eight daughters:
·         1) Muhammad Rammalang, Arung Ponri (s/o Daeng Balusu). m. Arung Limpa.
·         2) La Potto, Datu Baringang (s/o Daeng Balusu). m. (first) July 1780 H.H I-Maddelung Karaeng Bontomasugi Sultana Siti Saliha II [Tumenanga-ri-Kanatojenna], Sultana of Tallo (m. second, La Temmupage, Punggwa of Bone, and d. May 1824), second daughter of H.H. I-Mappatunru I-Manginyarang Karaeng Lembangparang Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo, by his first wife, I-Ralle, Arung Lipukasi.  - see Indonoesia (Tallo). m. (second) Arum Pulawang.
·         3) La Rukka, Arung Ta and Arung Lakasi. Sometime Pungwa Lisu. m. (div. 1st November 1751) I-Dajang. m. (second) Datu Watu [MatinroE-ri Pangkajini], sister of La Mappajanchi Daeng Massuro Sultan Musa Polipuwi, Datu of Soppeng.
·         4) La Pasabi, Datu Wulawang-i-Atchi.
·         1) Daeng Matanang (d/o Daeng Balusu). m. her uncle, La Wattaeng, Arung Bakka, youngest son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris Azim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone. She had issue - see above.
·         2) Arung Majang (d/o Daeng Balusu)
·         3) Chollie, Datu Waliwi. m. La Tan-ri Odang Daeng Mattinri Sultan Yussuf Fakhr ud-din [MatinroE-ri Musuna], Karaeng of Tanette and Datu of Soppeng (d. July 1747) - see Indonoesia (Soppeng) and Indonoesia (Tanette).
·         4) We Tanri Olle, Datu Bolie (d/o Habiba). m. La Mappajanchi Daeng Massuro Sultan Musa Polipuwi, Datu of Soppeng, son of La Tan-ri Liletang Sultana Aisha Bahjat ud-din, Datu of Luwu and Karaeng of Tanette, by her third husband, La Mappaselli, Datu Pattuju Soppeng.
·         5) I-Seno Datu Chietta (d/o Daneg Tona). Regent of Tanette for her minor son, 9th September 1807-1814. m. La Maddusila 'Abdu'l Kadir Muhi ud-din [MatinroE-ri Dusang], Karaeng of Tanette (d. 9th September 1807). She had issue, a son and a - see Indonoesia (Tanette).
·         6) Arung Nangka (d/o Daneg Tona). m. La Wakka Arung Atakka.
·         7) Arung Amalie (d/o Daneg Tona).
·         8) Siti Halima.

1775 - 1812 H.H. La Tan-ri Tappu To' Appaliweng Arung Timurang Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad as-Saleh Shams ud-din [MatinroE-ri-Rompegading], Arumpone of Bone. b. 12th June 1757, son of La Wattaeng, Arung Bakka, by his wife, Daeng Matanang, eldest daughter of H.H. La Mappasossong To' Appaware' Petta Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Razzaq Jalal ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Idris Azim ud-din [MatinroE ri-Malimungang], Arumpone of Bone. Succeeded on the death of his maternal grandfather, 17th June 1775. Arung Matowa of Wajo 1775-1795. m. We Pada [MatinroE-ri Saodanrana]. He d. at Rompegadieng, 22nd July 1812, having had issue, seven sons and two daughters:
·         1) La Mappatunru To' Apatunru, Arung Palakka, who succeeded as H.H. La Mappatunru To' Apatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Ismail Mukhtas ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad as-Saleh Shams ud-din, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
·         2) La Mappaseling, Arung Panjili, who succeeded as H.H. La Mappaseling Paduka Sri Sultan Adam Nazim ud-din, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
·         3) La Mappaewa, Arung Lompu. m. (first) Karaeng Agangjene, a princess of Wajo. m. (second) La Tabbacina, Arung Amali. He had issue two sons and one daughters:
·         a) La Parenrengi, Arung Pungi, who succeeded as H.H. La Parenringi Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Saleh Muhi ud-din, Arumpone of Bone (s/o Karaeng Agangjene) - see below.
·         b) Tuancalo, Arung Amali and Arung Ujong (s/o Karaeng Agangjene). Tomarilalang of Bone 1849-1866. m. (first) … m. (second) I-Kumala Daeng Nutte. He had issue, two sons and several daughters, including:
·         i) Jakolo Daeng Marangka (d/o the first wife). Sulawatang of Amali 1916. m. Daeng Kandung, and had issue, one son:
·         (1) I-Pamusu [Petta Rani]. Sulawatang of Amali.
·         ii) I-Mappanenga Daeng Malewa (d/o Daeng Nutte). m. I-Mancung. She had issue two sons:
·         (1) I-Basu Pasampure. Sulawatang of Amali.
·         (2) I-Mappasessu Daeng Malolo. Sulawatang of Amali.
·         i) I-Jura To Maradeka. m. H.H. Sinkerrung Rukka Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Idris, Arumpone of Bone, son of To' Patarai Sumanga Rukka, Arung of Barru, by his wife, I-Baege Arung Mavege, daughter of H.H. La Mappatunru To' Apatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Ismail Mukhtas ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad as-Saleh Shams ud-din, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
·         ii) A daughter.
·         iii) A daughter. m. Andi Masangkirang Daeng Patapa, Arung Majege, son of Arung Maluju and Arung Lanca - see below.
·         a) I-Saira Karaeng Agangjene Rantang Talotanreng, Arung Lompu (d/o Karaeng Agangjene). m. 1842, her cousin, H.H. Sinkarung-rukka Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Idris [MatinroE-ri Lalambata], Arumpone of Bone (b. 1818; d. 1871), elder son of To' Patarai Sumanga Rukka, Arung of Barru, by his wife, I-Baege Arung Mavege, only daughter of H.H. La Mappatunru To' Wappatunru' Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Ismail Mukhtaj ud-din, Arumpone of Bone. She d. 1849, having had issue - see below.
·         b) Arung Ajalierang. m. Opu Chimpu, of Luhu. She had issue:
§  i) Bau Chiena.
·         6) La Tan-ri Suki, Arung Kayuara. m. the Datu of Suppa, sister of Datu La Cebu, Adatuwang of Sawito. He d. 1857, having had issue, one daughter:
·         a) I-Basse Tan-ri Waru Kayuara Hadi Abel Hadi Pelaiengi Pasimpa, Datu of Suppa. Styled Arung Kayuara, and Arung Mapelaiyengi Pasimpa before her accession. Regent for her infant son 1857-1860. m. her cousin, H.H. La Parenringi Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Saleh Muhi ud-din, Arumpone of Bone (d. 1857), son of La Mappaewa, by his wife, Karaeng Agangjene of Wajo. She had issue one son and three daughters - see below.
·         7) Arung Sumalieng. m. 1799, Karaeng Rapochini, daughter of H.H I-Maddelung Karaeng Bontomasugi Sultana Siti Saleha II, Sultana of Tallo, by her second husband, La Temmupage, Pungawa of Bone.
·         8) Arung Paroko. Sometime Punggwa.
·         1) Bata-ri Tungi [MatinroE-ri Belawa], Arung Timurung. She d. 1859.
·         2) I-Makalaruwa, Arung Palengorang. m. La Mappanganro [MatinroE-ri Sasso], Arung Sinri (d. 9th January 1854), Tomarilalang to 1848. She d. 10th July 1854.
·         3) I-Maneng, Arung Data, who succeeded as H.H. I-Maneng Paduka Sri Ratu Sultana Salima Rajiat ud-din, Arumpone of Bone - see below.

 Sumber : Royal and Ruling Houses of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas]
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