The Bugis state of Bone was founded ca.1350, when a union
between the seven ancient states of Ujung, Tibojong, Ta, Tanete Riattang,
Tanete Riawang, Ponceng and Macege was effected by Mata Selompu. He was invited
by the advisory council of seven lords to become the first supreme ruler of the
Bone federation. In 1582 Bone, together with Soppeng and Wajo, founded the
Tallumpocco alliance which dominated the region for many decades. Islam became
the state religion in 1608 when the Arumponi converted and adopted the personal
title of Sultan.
During the next half-century the state was conquered by Gowa several times, in
1611, 1640 and finally in 1644. On the last occasion it lost its independence
and became subject to Makassar. It took another twenty years before Bone
regained its independence under 'Arung Palakka' in the 1660's. He
developed the Bugis into a great maritime power who allied themselves with the
Dutch and dominated the islands for nearly a century.Relations with the Dutch remained relatively stable until the early years of the twentieth century. However, when the Dutch dispatched a pacification force in 1905, the Arumponi fled into the jungles with his nobles and warriors, and prepared for war. After evading troops, he was captured, deposed and exiled to Java.
A Council of Nobles administered Bone after 1905, but self-rule was restored in 1931. La Mappanjuki Karaeng Silayar, younger son of the deposed Sultan of Gowa and a grandson of a former Arumponi succeeded. The new ruler served with his father against the Dutch invasion in 1905 and shared his exile for several years. He proved to be no friend of Holland, siding with the Javanese republicans during the independence struggle. He therefore retained an honoured place during the post independence period, occupying several important offices in the provincial administration. His name is revered as one of the founders of Indonesian independence.
The ruling prince: (personal name) (personal titles) Sri Sultan (reign name) ibnu (father's titles and reign name), Arumponi of Bone, with the style of His Highness.
The Heir Apparent: Arung Palakka.
The other sons, grandsons and other male descendants of the ruling prince, in the male line: Andi (personal name) (personal titles)
The daughters, granddaughters and other female descendants of the ruling prince, in the male line: Andi Siti (personal name) (personal titles)
Selection by the Aruppitu from any member of the dynasty who is of Royal descent through both parents.
None known.
Adat: traditional customs, status.
Aru: installation ceremony including the act of holding a kris or sword and taking an oath of feilty.
Arumponi: "Lord of Bone", the title borne by the supreme ruler of Bone.
Arung: lord, noble, ruler.
Arung Palakka: "Lord of Palakka", the title borne by the heir apparent of Bone.
Aruppitu: "the seven lords", a term applied to the rulers of the seven original states of the federation.
Bicara: process of law.
Bissu: pre-Islamic holy man, intermediary between the spirit and mortal worlds.
Bundu'kasallannga: a term applied to the Islamisation wars of the early seventeenth century.
core-core: pre-Islamic holy women, intermediary between the spirit and mortal worlds.
Daeng Kalula: an early title for the head of a community or state.
Datu: ruler, prince.
Gaukeng: sacred object.
Gellareng: head of a village or region.
Hadat Tinggi: the Makassar House of Lords established under the East Indonesian Federal regime 1946-1950.
I La Galigo: the earliest known Bugis epic chronicling the legendary history of Luwu.
Kafir: unbeliever.
Kali: the chief Islamic official in the kingdom.
Kawerrang: a bundle of rice stalks bound together. A term applied to the core of seven states forming the original union of the Bone kingdom.
Latoa: a "Mirror of Kings" chronicling the wisdom of the ages and a guide for good government.
Mado: an early title for community leader.
Makkedangetana: "the spokesman of the land", the most senior office in the land after the ruler. A title often equated with Prime Minister.
Matoa Pitu: "seven elders". A term applied to the supreme council composed of the rulers of the seven original states of the federation.
Pajumpulaweng: the golden umbrella, the most important piece of regalia.
Pesse: "pain", i.e. empathy with one's fellow man. A term applied to the spiritual unity of the people.
Punggawa: commander-in-chief during wartime.
Raja Muda: heir apparent, viceroy.
Samparajae: "the great defender", the ruler's standard, an important part of his regalia.
Sarat: Islamic religious council.
Sembangang pulaweng: gold chains with pendant medals forming part of the regalia, but originally bestowed by European powers on earlier rulers.
Siri: face, as in self-respect or worth.
Tautongang: gentry, lower nobility.
Tellumpocco: "the three powers", a term applied to the historic triple alliance between Bone, Wajo and Soppeng.
Tomarilaleng Malolo: a high official who serves as the intermediary between the Makkedangetana and the Supreme Advisory Council.
Tomarilaleng Matoa: the President of the Supreme Advisory Council.
Tomanurung: "he/she who descended", a term applied to the legendary rulers of the state and their descendants.
Torisompai: 'he who is given obeisance', a term of address applied to the Arumponi during the reign of Arung Palakka.
Watampone: "the trunk of Bone", a term applied to the seven original states of the federation, after the expansion of the kingdom to include other states.
Abdurrazak daeng Patunru, Sedjarah Goa. Jajasan Kebudajaen Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara, Makassar, 1967.
Leonard Y. Andaya, The Heritage of Arung Palakka: A History of South Sulawesi (Celebes) in the Seventeenth Century. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, The Hague, 1981.
A. Ligtvoet, "Transcriptie van de Lontara-Bilang of het Dagboek der Vorsten van Gowa en Tello", Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, Vierde Volgteeks, Vierde Deel - 1e stuk. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, The Hague, 1880. pp 1-259.
J. Noorduyn, Bima en Sumbawa: Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de sultanen Bima en Sumbawa door A. Ligtvoet en G.P. Rouffaer. Foris Publications, Dordrecht-Holland, 1987.
I Jereef, Wilhelmus Theodorus, De wind en de bladeren. Hierarchie en autonomie in Bone en Polombangkeng, 1850-1950, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1994.
D. Tick, Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-Kerajaan di Indonesia "Pusaka".
1392-1424 Mata Selompu Mapololiteng [Manurung-ri Matajang],
Arumpone of Bone. Elected by the Aruppitu as ruler of Bone with the
title of Arumpone of Bone after a long period of chaos lasting seven
generations. m. To' Manurung-ri Toro. He d. ca. 1424, having had
issue, two sons and four daughters:
Bolong-lelang. He d.s.p.
La Wumassa To' Mulaiye Panra, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
We Tan-ri Ronrong. She d.s.p.
Pantara Wanuwa. m. La Patikkengki, Arung Palakka. She had
issue, two sons and two daughters:
§ a) La Tan-ri Longorang, of Jallo.
§ b) La Saliwu Karaeng Pelua'
Pasadowakki, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
§ a) We Tan-ri Pappang. m. La
Tan-ri Lappang, Arung Kaju. She had issue, three sons:
§ i) La Tan-ri Jallo.
§ ii) La Tan-ri Akka.
§ iii) La Tan-ri Bali, Arung Kaju.
m. We Ban-ri Gau Daeng Marawa Makalappi Bisu-ri La Langpili Patta-ri La
We Larang Malajangi-ri Jina, Arumpone of Bone (d. ca. 1490), daughter of
La Saliwu Karaeng Pelua' Pasadowakki, Arumpone of Bone. He had issue, seven
sons and two daughters - see below.
§ b) We Tan-ri Ronrong. m. La
Paonro, Arung Pattiru. She had issue, a son:
§ i) La Sattia. m. We Tan-ri
We Tan-ri Salogan. m. La Ranringmusu, Arung Uting. She had issue:
§ a) Baittie. m. La Tanrowaji.
We Arantiega. m. La Patongarang, Arung Tanette. She had issue, a son:
§ a) La Tan-ri Pamidu La Pellong.
1424 - 1441 La Wumassa [To' Mulaiye Panreng], Arumpone of
Bone, eldest son of Mata Selompu Mapololiteng, Arumpone of Bone. Succeeded on
the death of his father, ca. 1366. m. (morganatic) a daughter of Matowa
Chiong. He d. ca. 1398, having had issue, two sons (not in
line of succession):
To' Sawaling.
To' Salawakkang.
1441 - 1470 La Saliwu Karaeng Pelua' [Pasadowakki], Arumpone
of Bone, eldest son of La Patikkengki, Arung Palakka, by his
wife, Pantara Wanua, eldest daughter of Mata Selompu Mapololiteng, Arumpone of
Bone. Succeeded his maternal uncle, ca. 1441. m. (first) We Tan-ri
Rompong, daughter of Arung Patjing. m. (second) We Tan-ri Pawallu, daughter
of Arung Tanette. m. (third) We Tan-ri Pamidu, daughter of Arung
Tanette. He d. ca. 1470, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
La Mapasassu (s/o We Tan-ri Pawallu). m. We Tan-ri Lekka. He had
issue, one son and four daughters:
La Tan-ri Gielieng Magadienge.
We Tan-ri Bole.
We Tan-ri Isa. m. Arung Palanna.
We Tan-ri Lotong.
We Tan-ri Sungki. m. La Tan-ri Sukki Mappajungi, Arumpone of Bone,
eldest son of We Ban-ri Gau Daeng Marawa Makalappi Bisu-ri La Langpili Patta-ri
La We Larang, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
We Ban-ri Gau, Arung Majang, who succeeded as We Ban-ri Gau Daeng
Marawa Makalappi Bisu-ri La Langpili Patta-ri La We Larang (s/o We
Tan-ri Rompong) - see below.
We Tan-ri Ori (d/o We Tan-ri Pamidu).
1470 - 1490 We Ban-ri Gau Daeng Marawa Arung Majang
Makalappi Bisu-ri La Langpili Patta-ri La We Larang [Malajangi-ri Chiena],
Arumpone of Bone, daughter of La Saliwu Karaeng Pelua' Pasadowakki, Arumpone of
Bone. Styled Arung Majang before her accession. Succeeded on the
death of her father, ca. 1470. m. La Tan-ri Bali, Arung Kaju,
son of La Tan-ri Lappang, Arung Kaju, by his wife, We Tan-ri
Pappang, daughter of La Patiengki, Arung Palakka. She d.
ca. 1490, having had issue, seven sons and two daughters:
La Tan-ri Sukki Mappajungi, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
La Tan-ri Garra Arung Majang. m. We Tan-ri Sumpala, daughter of Arung
Mampua. He had issue, two sons and two daughters:
La Tan-ri Sumpu To' Saliwu-ri Awang.
La Pasci. m. I-Mangiele.
Mangampe Walieda. m. La Gome To' Saliwu Madanrang Palakka. She had
issue, a son:
La Saliwu.
We Tan-ri Tippa.
La Tan-ri Garra To' Apasabie. He d. unm.
La Panawungi To' Wapawawoi. m. We Tan-ri Isa. He had issue, three sons
and one daughter:
La Bata.
La Patawang, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
La Palippui.
La Manaung, Arung Lotong. m. (first) a daughter of Daeng Sagala
Arung Palama. m. (second) We Mapasurung Sukku Manasa, daughter of Arung
Patchieng. He had issue, by his second wife, three sons and one daughter:
Daeng Kallieng.
La Sangrangang.
La Karamuso.
La Maliung (eldest child).
Daeng Soreang Arung Kaju.
La Patadungi To' Pasampoi. m. Malu.
La Tan-ri Galla Datta-ri Gas.
La Tanampara.
We Tan-ri Taluru Datta-ri Pali. m. To' Tanri Pallaka. She had issue, two
§ a) We Tan-ri Isa.
§ b) We Tan-ri Palessi. m. La
Taubawang, Arung Biru. She had issue, two sons:
§ i) La Gome To' Saliwu Madanrang
§ ii) La Tan-ri Sampuri To' Saliwu-ri
Awang Arung Awang Pone. He had issue, a son:
§ (1) La Tona Matowa Bulu.
We Tan-ri Samungang. m. La Tan-ri Magadienge Arung Pattiru. She had
issue, a son:
§ a) We Tan-ri Iwang Daeng Rae. m.
Luliwu, 6th Arumpone of Bone - see below.
1490 - 1517 La Tan-ri Sukki Mappajungi, Arumpone of Bone,
eldest son of We Ban-ri Gau Daeng Marawa Makalappi Bisu-ri La Langpili Patta-ri
La We Larang, Arumpone of Bone. Succeeded on the death of his mother, ca. 1490.
Successfully repulsed a major invasion by Datu Kelali, the ruler of Luwu. m.
We Tan-ri Sungki, youngest daughter of his maternal uncle, La Mapasassu, by his
wife, We Tan-ri Lekka. He d. 1517, having had issue, a son:
La Wulio Boti, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
We Tan-ri Galla. m. Opu Dala Arung Kung. She had issue, four daughters:
§ a) We Tan-ri Gau [We Tan-ri Pakuwa].
She d. unm.
§ b) We Tan-ri Passi.
§ c) We Tan-ri Ruwa.
§ d) We Tan-ri Liwang.
To' Malotongi Daeng Rae. She d. unm.
1517 - 1542 La Wulio Boti [MatinroE-ri Tarrung], Arumpone of
Bone, son of La Tan-ri Sukki Mappajungi, Arumpone of Bone, only son of La
Tan-ri Sukki Mappajungi, Arumpone of Bone, by his wife, We Tan-ri Sungki.
Succeeded on the death of his father, 1517. He was the first Ranreng. m.
(first) We Tan-ri Iwang Daeng Rae, daughter of La Tan-ri Magadienge Arung
Pattiru, by his wife, We Tan-ri Samungang, younger daughter of We Ban-ri Gau
Daeng Marawa Arung Majang Makalappi Bisu-ri La Langpili Patta-ri La We Larang
[Malajangi-ri Chiena], Arumpone of Bone. m. (second) We Tan-ri Gau,
daughter of the Arung of Mampua. He d. 1542, having had issue, four sons
and several daughters, including:
La Icha, 8th Arumpone of Bone (s/o We Tan-ri Iwang) - see
La Tan-ri Rawe Bongkange, Arumpone of Bone (s/o We Tan-ri Iwang) - see
Sakurudaji (s/o We Tan-ri Gau).
Daeng Palipuna (s/o We Tan-ri Gau). m. Daeng Soreang, of Kaiyu.
He had issue, three daughters:
We Tan-ri Parola. m. La Patiekka Arung Sumaling. She had issue, one son
and three daughters:
§ i) La Petappirang La Pachai.
§ i) We Tan-ri Bakarang.
§ ii) We Tan-ri Berawang. m. La
§ iii) We Tan-ri Wempengang. m.
La Uncha Arung Paiju.
We Tan-ri Pati. m. La Parenrengang, Arung Maraongieng. She had
issue, two daughters:
§ i) La Bie Maroangieng. m. La
Tan-ri Anglisu Arung Urang. She had issue:
§ (1) Puwanna Challa.
§ ii) La Bie-Kayu. m. La Tan-ri
Ranrang, son of I-Dangka We Tan-ri Tuppu, Arumpone of Bone, by her first
husband, To' Rilettowi, Arung Mampua. She had issue, a son - see below.
I-Dangka We Tan-ri Tuppu, Arumpone of Bone (d/o Daeng Palipuna) - see
We Tan-ri Pakuwa [We Tan-ri Pauang] (d/o We Tan-ri Iwang). m. La
Makkaroda To' Tan-ri Bali, 12th Daeng Soppeng-ri Lau, and 12th
Datu Mario-ri Wawo, son of We Muliang, 11th Daeng Soppeng-ri
Lau, and 11th Datu Mario-ri Wawo, daughter of We Temmabuleng, 10th
Datu Mario-ri Wawo. She had issue, a daughter:
§ a) We Tan-ri Lekke La Bie-ri Mario
I-Dakka Mangka, 13th Datu Mario-ri Waw. m. (first) La
Tan-ri Ruwa Paduka Sri Sultan Adam, Arumpone of Bone, son of La Saliwu, Arung
Pattiru, by his wife, We Limpa, younger daughter of La Wulio Boti,
Arumpone of Bone. She had issue - see below. m. (second) Tosinga, of
Patoosje. She had further issue, by her second husband:
§ i) a daughter. m. Datu of
We Limpa (d/o We Tan-ri Iwang). m. La Saliwu, Arung Pattiru.
She had issue, a son:
§ a) La Tan-ri Ruwa, Arung Palakka,
who succeeded as La Tan-ri Ruwa Paduka Sri Sultan Adam, Arumpone of Bone - see
Daeng Rae Matinruwi-ri Bichuri (d/o We Tan-ri Iwang).
1542 - 1584 La Tan-ri Rawe Bongkange [MatinroE-ri Guchina],
Arumpone of Bone, elder son of La Wulio Boti, Arumpone of Bone. Succeeded on
the death of his father, 1542. m. We Tan-ri Pakiu, Arung Timurang
(m. second, 1584, La Icha [MatinroE-ri Adenena], Arumpone of Bone). He d.s.p.
1584, having had issue:
La Magalatung. He d. unm.
Puwanna-ri Sompa.
1584 - 1595 La Icha [MatinroE-ri Adenena], Arumpone of Bone,
second son of La Wulio Boti, Arumpone of Bone. Succeeded on the death of his
elder brother, 1584. m. 1584, We Tan-ri Pakiu, Arung Timurang,
his brother's widow. He was k. by his subjects, on the stairs of his
palace, 1595, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
La Tan-ri Pala To'Akkepeang Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din, Arumpone of Bone (s/o
We Tan-ri Pakiu) - see below.
We Tan-ri Jallo. m. La Patikka, Arung Sumaling. She had
issue, two sons, and one daughter.
§ a) La Ma'darammang, who succeeded as
H.H. La Ma'darammang Opu Na Pakokoa Paduka Sri Sultan Saleh ibni al-Marhum
Sultan Adam, Arumpone of Bone - see below.
§ b) La Tan-ri Aji To' Sanrima Arung
Kung [MatinroE-ri Siyang]. Forced to flee to Luwu, together with his brother, 8th
October 1643. Secretly returned to Bone and raised a rebellion November 1643.
Defeated in the second battle of Passempi, taken prisoner and removed to Gowa,
1644. He was k. on an expedition to Siang, 18th March 1645.
§ a) We Tan-ri Amparang. m. To'
Nippi, Arung Salangketo.
I-Makkalaruwa. She had issue.
15xx - 1590 La Patawang [MatinroE-ri Battu], 9th
Arumpone of Bone, grandson of Barrigau, Arumpone of Bone, son of La Panawungi
To' Wapawawoi. Succeeded on the death of his brother-in-law, 1590. m. Arung
Kaju (d.s.p.). He was k. by his relatives,
1590 - 1607 I-Dangka We Tan-ri Tuppu [MatinroE-ri
Sidenreng], Arumpone of Bone, only daughter of Daeng Palipuna, by his wife,
Daeng Soreang, of Kaiyu. Succeeded on the death of her father, 1590. Abdicated
in favour of her husband as rule by females was not in keeping with Islam,
1607. m. (first) To' Rilettowi, Arung Mampua. m. (second) Arung
Barabo. m. (third) La Tan-ri Ruwa Paduka Sri Sultan Adam [MatinroE-ri
Bantaeng], Arumpone of Bone (d. 28th October 1631), son of La
Saliwu, Arung Pattiru, by his wife, We Limpa, younger daughter of
La Wulio Boti, Arumpone of Bone - see below. She had issue, two sons and two
daughters by her first husband, and one son by her second:
La Tan-ri Ranrang (s/o Arung Mampua). m. La Bie-Kayu, daughter of
La Parenrengang, Arung Maraongieng, by his wife, We Tan-ri Pati, younger
daughter of Daeng Palipuna. He had issue, a son:
La Tan-ri Sienga. m. Pole Datu. He had issue, four sons and one
La Pariasi.
La Palemba.
La Pasampo.
La Pasomparrang.
Daeng Akke.
La Madusila (s/o Arung Mampua). m. a Princess of Soppeng, mother
of La Tan-ri Baang Datu Soppeng.
La Pasaro (s/o Arung Barabo). m. a lady from Roe. He had issue, a
La Toga. m. Arung Matuju.
Kunangi (d/o Arung Mampua). m. La Tan-ri Pala To' Wakepeyang
Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din, Arumpone of Bone (d. at Tallo, 13th
August 1630), son of La Icha, Arumpone of Bone, by his wife, We Tan-ri Pakiu, Arung
Timurang - see below.
Maputi Iesina (d/o Arung Mampua).
1607 - 1608 La Tan-ri Ruwa Paduka Sri Sultan Adam
[MatinroE-ri Bantaeng], Arumpone of Bone, son of La Saliwu, Arung Pattiru,
by his wife, We Limpa, younger daughter of La Wulio Boti, Arumpone of Bone.
Appointed as Arung Palakka. Succeeded on the abdication of his
first wife, 1607. Deposed for urging his people to accept Islam, 1608. m.
(first) We Tan-ri Lekke La Bie-ri Mario I-Dakka Mangka, 13th Datu
Mario-ri Wawo, daughter of La Makkaroda To' Tan-ri Bali, 12th
Daeng Soppeng-ri Lau, and 12th Datu Mario-ri Wawo, by his wife, We
Tan-ri Pakuwa, eldest daughter of La Wulio Boti, Arumpone of Bone. m.
(second) We Tan-ri Soloreng, Datu Pattiru. He d. 28th
October 1631, having had issue, two daughters:
We Tan-ri Suwi, 14th Datu Mario-ri Wawo (d/o La Bie-ri
Mario). m. La Pottobunna, Arung Tanatenga, Datu
Lompulle', son of Datu Udampule, Arung Tanatenga, a nobleman
from Soppeng. She d. ca. 1660, having had issue, two sons and nine
§ a) Arung Tanatenga. b.
before 1634. He d. before 1678, having had issue:
§ i) Arung Toala'.
§ b) H.H. La Tan-ri Tatta To' Urong
To-ri Sompi Patta Malampei Gammana Daeng Serang To' Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan
Sa'ad ud-din - see below.
§ a) Daeng Ira.
§ b) We Tan-ri Lekki Daeng Emba. m.
(first) To' Malagu, Datu of Luwu. m. (second) I-Mappajanji Daeng
Matayang Kasim, Karaeng of Tanette (b. 21st February 1649
d. 9th May 1716), second son of Daeng Matiring Ibrahim, Karaeng
of Tanette, by his wife, I-Tumbu, daughter of a King of Gowa. She had issue,
two daughters - see Indonesia (Tanette).
§ c) We Kajupa Daeng Ompu, Datu
Chitta. m. To' Dani Daeng Chitta Arung Bakka, Adatuwang of Sawito (m.
second (div. 1678), her younger sister, We Tan-ri girang. m.
third, a princess of Sawitto, and was k. at Salemo, 11th
February 1681). She d. 19th December 1702.
§ d) We Te' Mappolo-bombang Daeng Upi
[MatinroE ri-Alaoena-Apasarang]. b. after 1635. m. at Ujung
Pandang, 16th May 1671, La Pakkoku To' Angkone Taddampali, Arung
Timurang, Arung Ugi, and Arung Ranreng Tua,
younger son of La Ma'darammang Opu Na Pakokoa, Arumpone of Bone. She d.
12th March 1692, having had issue, two sons - see below.
§ e) We Tan-ri Wempeng.
§ f) We Tan-ri Abang Daeng Emba, 16th
Datu Mario-ri Wawo. m. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matayang
Kasim, Karaeng of Tanette (b. 21st February 1649 d. 9th
May 1716), second son of Daeng Matiring Ibrahim, Karaeng of Tanette, by his
wife, I-Tumbu, daughter of a King of Gowa. She d. 22nd May
1698, having had issue, a daughter - see Indonesia (Tanette).
§ g) Datu Mari-mari. She d. 18th
January 1702.
§ h) Arung Meru. She d. 8th
September 1703.
§ i) We Tan-ri Girang. m. (div.
1678) To' Dani Daeng Chitta Arung Bakka, Adatuwang of Sawito (k. at
Salemo, 11th February 1681) - see Indonesia (Sawito).
We Tan-ri Tello. She d. 17th August 1686.
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