H.H. I-Kumala Karaeng Lembangparang Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir Muhammad 'Aidid
[Tumenanga-ri-Kakoasangna], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. b. 1817, educ.
privately. Succeeded on the deposition of his uncle, 1st September
1825. Reigned under the Regency of his father. Ascended the throne and assumed
the style of Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir Muhammad 'Aidid, 22nd
October 1844. Installed 6th October 1852. Rcvd: Knt. of the
Order of the Netherlands Lion (14.6.1873). m. I-Senong
Karaeng Lakiung (d.
7th December 1870), daughter of I-Balimong Karaeng Popo, by his
wife, Karaeng Agangpanchaiya. He d. 30th January 1893, having
had issue, six sons and several daughters - see Indonesia (Gowa).
- 1845 H.H. La Oddanriwu Karaeng Katangka Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Rahman ibnu
Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf [Tumenanga-ri-Suangga], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. Deposed,
1st September 1825. m. I-Abang. He d. at Suangga,
1845, having had issue:
1) La Ija To' Wakka Daeng Matuppu
Karaeng Lololang (s/o I-Abang). He had issue, a daughter:
a) I-Basse. m. her first cousin,
H.H. La Makkarumpa Daeng Parani, Sultan of Tallo, son of Fakhr ud-din Karaeng
Katapang, the Tumailalang Towa of Gowa, by his wife, I-Deko Karaeng
Lakiung, daughter of H.H. La Oddanriwu Karaeng Katangka Sultan 'Abdu'l Rahman,
Sultan of Gowa and Tallo - see below.
1) I-Deko Karaeng Lakiung (d/o
Ralleratu). m. Fakhr ud-din Karaeng Katapang. Tumailalang Towa of
Gowa. She had issue, one son and one daughter:
a) H.H. La Makkarumpa Daeng Parani,
Sultan of Tallo - see below.
a) I-Kolosong Karaeng Langello.
- 1850 H.H Bata-ri Toja Karaeng Bontomasugi Sultana Siti Aisha
[Tumenanga-ri-Bontomanai], Sultana of Tallo, daughter of H.H. I-Mappatunru
I-Manginyarang Karaeng Lembangparang Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf, Sultan of Gowa and
Tallo. Succeeded on the death of her brother, 1845. m. 1848, La Patua
'Abdu'llah Saipu, Datu of Tanette. She d.s.p. 1850.
- 1856 H.H. La Makkarumpa Daeng Parani, Sultan of Tallo, son of Fakhr ud-din
Karaeng Katapang, the Tumailalang Towa of Gowa, by his wife, I-Deko
Karaeng Lakiung, daughter of H.H. La Oddanriwu Karaeng Katangka Sultan 'Abdu'l
Rahman, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. Styled Arung Lipukasi after 1851.
Deposed and pensioned by the Dutch, 16th April 1856. Allowed to
continue as Aru of Lipusaki after his deposition. m. I-Basse, daughter
of La Ija To' Wakka Daeng Matuppu Karaeng Lololang.
Sumber : Royal and Ruling Houses of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas
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